Saturday, April 18, 2009

My first award

So this is pretty cool, I got an award today thanks to Michelle at Michelle's Bookshelf. I've seen them on other blogs and I've always thought the zombie chicken one was pretty cool. I'm kind of curious about the origin of the zombie chicken award, haha. It's so random, and awesome. That's okay though, because I like random! I'm totally honored to get this. Thanks, Michelle!

So now apparently I have to nominate 5 other blogs to get the zombie chicken award.
1. Carol
2. Amy
3. Lauren
4. Laina
5. Karin

Yay, zombie chicken award! :)

And thanks again to all of you who follow my blog, or post comments. It means so much to me, and I love having conversations with fellow bloggers.


Katie said...

Congratulations on your first award and your second one is waiting for you at my blog!

Laina said...

Oh, thank you!! Yay Zombie chickens ^^